All your questions answered

  • I’m a brand new slow runner can I still come along?

    Yes absolutely, new runners join the groups every day, many walk part of the route to get used to it.

  • What pace do people run at?

    People run at totally their own pace, there’s no starting klaxon, no timing chip, no Olympic pacers! It’s up to you, whatever your mood and feet are feeling like! 

  • Do I have to run as part of a group?

    No, we don’t insist you run a group at all, totally up to you. Everyone fires off together but then people run at their own pace, this just means your feeling on the day determines your gas pedal.

  • Is there a minimum age?

    16 to run on your own. Anyone younger must have a parent or guardian with them.

  • Can I run with my dog?

    Absolutely fine, as long as it’s on a good lead!

  • Why is it in the morning, it’s bloomin' early?!!

    Even though getting up at 6am with the pukeko is tough there are a myriad of benefits to running in the morning, from a flood of stress busting hormones boosting mood and productivity to increased melatonin release giving increased quality of sleep that night.

  • Is the start and finish place always the same?

    Yes, the route will loop back to the start point, and there’ll always be someone there to welcome you back in with a smile.

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